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Computer Network Experiments CNE 22417

Computer Networking Experiments CNE 22417

Experiment No.01. Download
Experiment No.02. Download
Experiment No.03. Download
Experiment No.04. Download
Experiment No.05. Download
Experiment No.06. Download
Experiment No.07. Download
Experiment No.08. Download
Experiment No.09. Download
Experiment No.10. Download
Experiment No.11. Download
Experiment No.12. Download
Experiment No.13. Download
Experiment No.14. Download
All Experiments Download

04.2. Experiments:
        Experiment No. 1- Configure Peer- to –peer Network with at least three hosts.
        Experiment No. 2- Create a small physical network using computers, network connecting devices and cables.
        Experiment No. 3- Draw the network layout with its topology for network set-up of your laboratory.
        Experiment No. 4- Prepare and test straight and cross UTP cables.
        Experiment No. 5 - Install and configure Network Interface card and identify its MAC Address.
        Experiment No. 6- Share files/folder, Devices and Printer in the network and access the shared resources from the other node
        Experiment No. 7- Run the following TCP/IP commands with options and record their output- ping, ipconfig, Tracert, Netstat, Wireshark, ARP.
        Experiment No. 8- Setup FTP client/Server and transfer the file Using FTP.
        Experiment No. 9- Install TCP/IP Protocol and configure advance features of TCP/IP protocol like IP address, subnetmask, gateway, primary and secondary DNS.

        Experiment No. 10- Configure and use Telnet client-server.
        Experiment No. 11- Configure DHCP server
        Experiment No. 12- Create two subnets and implements it with calculated subnet masking
        Experiment No. 13-Create two IPV4 environment in  a small network using simulator (open source based) part I.
        Experiment No. 14-Create two IPV4 environment in a small network using simulator (open source based) part II.


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