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Micro-Project Proposal Maker Online Free

Micro-Project Proposal Maker Online Free

Micro-Project Proposal Maker Online Free

Proposal Maker Online


eg. 01.Nagare Ravindra Babasaheb - 19

eg. Prof.Nagare R.B.

What is Micro-project Proposal -
                Micro-Project proposal is a combination of project sub-points like as 
1.Title of the micro-project
2.Course outcomes addressed
3.Proposed methodology
4.Action Plan
5.Resources Required
6.Name of Team Members with Roll Nos.
  • Introduction:
        Project wok is the activity that is intended all the domains of learning i.e cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain what ever applicable and hence, it is very important from the teacher and student point of view. Any project work is not a research, but an experience of doing some complex work b students on their own, or 'work based learning '. Project can be of micro, mini, minor and major levels depending on at what stage of learning (from first semester to the ) it is incorporate; but all these categories will have the same characteristics. Only the amount of effort put in and time required will changing. Therefore the project work is defined as 'A purposeful student activity planned, designed and performed by a student or group of student to solve the identified problems (or complete a relativity complex task) which requires them to accomplish higher level of cognitive and affective domain outcomes and sometimes the psychomotor domain outcomes as well.'
  • Salient features of micro-project - 
    Every micro-project is basically intended to integrate more than one course outcome i.e. more than one unit of the theory and the related practicals started in the course along with the effective domain skills mentioned over there. Since it is a micro-project for a single course, it is not intended to be very complex and report is not expected to be volminous. But , every student is expected to devote about 16 hours work for a micro-project in a group or individually during the whole semester. The 'process' is the key which the teacher has to monitor regularly through seminars and other activities typically every fortnight online or otherwise, so that the skill are gradually built up in the students over the period of time.
        One of the main purpose of micro-project is to develop the ability to work in real life setting individually or collectively as the situation may be following are some of the salient features of the micro-projects.
  • What is Micro-Project/Features - 
1.Micro-project are introduces in each course to take advantages of project method of learning.
2.The Course teacher would be the guide for all groups of his/her class for that course
3.Micro-Project is small project which requires about 16 hours of work for all projects by students in whole semester (i.e. about one hour each week)
4.Student can choose micro-project other than sample list after consultation with their teacher.
5.Micro-project would be given to students as a group work. (Group size should not be more than 6 students).
  • Abilities intended to be developed through Micro-Project:
    Following are the major abilities that are expected to be developed in the student through the work of 25-30 Micro-Project introduced in this outcome-based curriculum not through one course alone, but during the entire diploma program of 3 years duration. It is not necessary that every micro-project should develop all the following abilities. However, some of the abilities mentioned below may be common on many of the micro-projects.
a)Show the attitude of enquiry.
b) Identify the problems in the text area related to their branch of diploma program.
c)Identify the information suggesting the cause of the problem and possible solutions.
d)Prepare project proposal before starting the project.
e)Drive different possible solutions creatively.
f)Assess the financial implication ans feasibility of different solutions based on preliminary studies.
g)Collect relevant data from different sources.(book/internet/market/suppliers/experts/ and other through surveys/interviews)
h) Analyse the collected data and to generate useful information from it.
i)Present generated information visually in form of appropriate charts/graphs.
j)Prepare required drawings and detailed plan for execution of the work.
k)Work persistently to achieve the targets.
l)Attempts alternative solution/revise/execute alternative plans, in case of failures.
m)Use relevant machine and equipment/instruments safely.
n)Develop the prototype/model/of the desired equipment/instruments/machine part and such others.
o)Show concern for material and cost reduction.
p)Incorporate safety features in product.
q)Work independently for the responsibility undertaken.
r)Participate effectively in group work.
s)Ask for help from others including guide, when required.
t)Prepare the technical report.
u)Prepare presentations.
v)Present finding /features of the project in seminars.
w)Confidently, answer the question asked about the project.
x)Acknowledge the help rendered by others in success of the project.

    It is obvious from the above, that is not b=necessary to have very innovative idea or to produce something new with the help with of micro-project. The main purpose is to develop above skill/attitude in the student. Thus micro-project should not be very complex or research oriented, they should be such that students can complete it on their own without much help of teacher of from outside the institute. 
  • Report for the Micro-project-
        The micro-project report has two parts. First part is 'Project Proposal' about 1-2 pages in the format given in the Annexure-1. This is related to the planning which should be submitted by the end of fourth week of the the semester. The purpose of this part is to teach the student to plan and also to ensure that students finalize their and start working by the fourth week .
        This second part id the micro-project report (Annexure-1) which is to be submitted after completion of the project prepared in black and white (no colour printing) of minimum A4 size pages depending upon ensure nature of the project (excluding the cover page and initial pages).
        The sample evaluation of the micro-project has to be undertaken throughout the semester once in a month, section-by-section of the report format in accordance with Annexure II to ensure the quality of the ongoing micro-project work to attain the desired COs aimed towards the development of the competency. 
  • Cost of Micro-Project -
        As per as possible, no cost need to be incurred by the student for the micro-project. Since student are supposed to do one micro-project in every course, in case it becomes necessary to incurred expenditure of micro-project the total cost should not preferably exceed Rs 1000/- per semester. However, teacher should ensure that the Micro-Project should not become financial burden on student.
  • Assessment of the Micro-project - 
        Purpose of Micro-Project is to not only to give the marks but to give the qualitative feedback to the students and hence rubrics world be used for assessment of the Micro-Project. Rubrics are given in Annexure II. Qualitative feedback on project work would be given by teacher by ticking appropriate cells in the rubrics shown in the teacher evaluation sheet.  Teacher should make it vary clear to the students that marks for the project would be awarded based on the efforts put in by the students and not based on the project report only. Students shall work on their own and complete the project in the stipulated time frame. I case, they are not able to take their project to the logical end then also they shall be adequately awarded with the marks. The institutes shall keep the record of evaluated sheets of all micro-projects.
  • The following methodology has to be adopted for the assessment of the micro-project-
a)For each Micro-Project 10 marks is earmarked for progressive assessment. 
b)A micro-project Evaluation format is given in Annexure IV.
c)in this sheet assessor would also mention the course outcomes achieved by the project.
d)Out of 10 marks 6 marks would be based on the project work. All group member would receive same marks out of 6 marks
e)Remaining 4 marks would be based on individual contribution to be decided by teacher by taking presentation and viva.
  • Micro_project Portfolio - 
a)It is a collection of the micro-projects completed by he students in the whole diploma program.
b)Student would go on filling the reports of micro-projects in a portfolio (a kind of folder) along with the 'Micro_Project Evaluation Sheet' of that project.
c)In inner page of the initial pages of compiles portfolio there will be summary sheet of all the micro-projects done by a student though all the three year diploma program.
d)This portfilio of about micro-projects completed by them in their diploma program will facilitate the students for securing future career prospects.


  1. Nice to auto generate proposal

  2. Hi I want full microproject from you? How can I contact with you?


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