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What is Industrial Training || ravibaba

Industrial Training

What is Industrial Training

 What is Industrial Training - The Industrial Training is the course for polytechnic/diploma student this course 6 Weeks Duration and it is common to all.
Industrial Training:

Formats of the required important  documents as follows:
1.Weekly Diary -  Download
2.Report - Download
01. What about Industrial Training:
    Industrial training course is introduced to all diploma programmers with an objective to develop the traits of industry culture among the student before they enter into world of industry. By exposing and interacting with the real life industrial setting, student will appreciate and understand the actual working of an industry, best practices adopted in industry. The industrial skills like, soft skills, life skills and hands-on will be inculcated among the student. This short association with industry will be instrumental in orienting the student in transforming them into industry ready output after completion of diploma program.

02. Competency:
    This course is intended to develop the following competencies:
a)Soft Skill i.e. Communication Presentation etc,
b) Life skill i.e. Time Management, Safety, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Team building etc,
c) Hands-on that is design implementation, O and M quality assurance aspects.
d) Industry specific tools example Value Engineering Six Sigma and learn

03. Course Outcomes for Industrial Training:
    The industrial training is intended to acquire the competencies as mention above to supplement those attained through several course up to 4th semester of the program:
a) Communicate effectively (verbal as well written) the work carried out.
b) Prepare the present the report of work carried out.
c) Exercise time management and safety in the work environment.
d) Working in a team.
e) There was read there is quality assurance.
f) Exhibit the work carried out.

04. Teaching & Examination Scheme:
Note: Both ESE and PA part of assessment will be carried out as specified in Table 1 and 2.

05. General Guidelines for Industrial Training:
a)Training during the program : Between 4th and 5th semester (During Summer Vacation)
b)Duration of this training : Six Week
c) Training Area: Student should be tainted in large, medium and small scale Industry/ Organization
d) These Industries / Organization can be Government/ Government Undertaking /Public limited/ or private / Family enterprises.

Information Technology || ravibaba
Information Technology
    For Information Technology Industries it can be any software developer, cyber security companies, web page developers, networking companies, database management, companies telecommunication companies are it division of any other industries Finance re-written Company software are used and maintain for various applications.

Civil Engineering || ravibaba
Civil Engineering
    For Civil Engineering it can Public Work Department, Irrigation Department, of Public Health engineering, former cooperation, town and Country planning, highway and road authorities, android authority, Railways, and medium scale civil contractors, rural engineering departments, environment, cooperation, large and medium scale private Constructions companies, mining company etc.

Mechanical Engineering || ravibaba
Mechanical Engineering
    For Mechanical Engineering It can be manufacturing for fabrication, processing industry which may include compresses, boilers, engines heat exchanges, air conditioning and refrigeration plants etc. are either manufactured or used power plants for Railways process plants, ordinance factories, textile factories, automobile manufacturers are major at mobile workshops.

Electrical Engineering || ravibaba
Electrical Engineering
    For Electrical Engineering it can be Electricity Transmission and distribution companies, power generating station, substation, Railways, Industries manufacturing electrical product which may include industry where large motor/Transformers etc are used to Process Plant electrical constructors.

Electronics Engineering || ravibaba
Electronics Engineering
    For Electronics Engineering it can be telecommunication companies, Post and Telegraph department, manufacturer of Telecommunication product, manufacturers of control equipment, for manufacture of CNC machines, any manufacturing industry where electronic controls are used either in production process or in its products computer hardware manufacturers signals divisions of Railways, in electronics instrumentation repairing slash training slash calibration workshop on Laboratories etc.

IT/Computer || ravibaba
Computer/Information Technology
Computer Department || ravibaba
Computer Department
     For Computer Department Industries it can be any software developer cyber security companies web page developers networking companies database management companies telecommunication companies are it division of any other industries Finance re-written Company software are used and maintain for various applications.

Automobile Engineering || ravibaba
Automobile Engineering

06. Role of Institute:
a) Departments can take help of alumni for present students (if they are their parents or relative have some contact in different industries) for securing placement.
b) The student would normally be placed as per their choice, in case of more demand for a particular industry/ organization students would be allocated and place based on their relative merit. If some student have a range training Placement in some companies with the help of their parents/ relatives etc. Then they will give performance for placement in those companies.
c) Principal/HOD/faculty should address product about industrial safety norms rules and discipline to be maintained in the industrial organization during the training before relieving students for training.
d) The faculty member during the weekly visit to industrial/organization will check the progress of the student in the training is the attendance discipline and project report presentation.

07. Expectation from Industry:
Helping institute in developing the following competencies among students.
a)Soft Skill i.e. Communication Presentation etc.
b)Life skill i.e. Time Management, Safety, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Team building etc.
c)Hands-on that is design implementation, O and M quality assurance aspects.
d)Industry specific tools example Value Engineering Six Sigma and learn.

08. Role and Responsibilities of the Students:
Following should be inform to student deporting them for the training
1.Student would interact with the mentor to suggest choice for suitable industry/ organization. If student have any contact in industry/ organization (through their parents relative or friends) then Same may be utilized for securing placement for themselves and their peers.
2.Students have to fill the forms duly signed by authorities along with training letter and submit it to training officers in the industry on the first day of training students should also carry with him her The Identity Card issued by Institute during training period.
3.We will have to get all necessary information from the training officer regarding schedule of the training rules and regulation of the industry/ organization and safety procedure to follow the student is expected to observe these rules regulation procedures.
4.Students should know that if they break any rule of industry or do not follow the discipline then industry can terminate the training and send back the students
5.It is responsibility of the student to collect information from industry organization about manufacturing process training and quality assurance method specification of machine and around materials maintenance procedures production planning organizational structure ect.
6.During the training. Students keep record of all the Useful information in log book and maintain the weekly diary as provided and get it sign from mentor as well as industry organization training in-charge.
7.In case there is any major problem in industry such as an accident or any disciplinary issue then they should immediately report the same to the institute.
8.Prepare final report about the training for submitting to the department at the time of presentation and Viva.

09. Format for Training Report:
Following the suggest format for the training report actual format may differ slightly depending upon the nature of industry organization the training report may contain the following.
➔Title Page
Content Page

Chapter 1: Organizational structure of industry or Organization and general layout
Chapter 2: Introduction of industry or organization (type of products and services for history turnover  and number of employees etc.)
Chapter 3: Types of major equipment instruments machines used in industry with their specification approximate cost and specific use and their routine maintenance.
Chapter 4: Manufacturing process along with production planning and control methods.
Chapter 5: Testing of raw materials components and finished products along with Quality Assurance procedures.
Chapter 6: Major material handling product (lifts, cranes, slings, pulleys, jacks, conveyor, belts etc.) and material handling procedures.
Chapter 7: Procedure followed and safety gear used (includes preventive maintenance schedule and breakdown maintenance procedures).
Chapter 8: Particulars of practical experience in industry or organization if any in production and assembly as well as training and maintenance.
Chapter 9: Short report or description of the project (if any done during the training).
Chapter 10: Special or challenging experiences encountered during training.
References or Bibliography:
The size of the report maybe about 20 pages.

10. Suggested Learning Strategies:
    Student it should visit the website of the industry where they are undergoing training to collect information about products, processes, capacity, number of employee turnover etc. They should also refer the and books of the major machines and operation, testing, quality control and testing manuals used in industry. Students may also visit website related other industries where in similar product are being manufactured as their learning resource.

11. Tentative week-wise schedule Of Industrial Training:
    In the industrial training common to all programs there for the industry or organization selection will depend upon the nature of program and its related in the sea the training activity may vary according to nature and size of industry or organization. Their details of activities to be completed during 6 week size in the industrial training schedule should be planned by the industry. The plan should be intended to develop soft skill that is communication and presentation eyc. Life skill that is time management, Innovation, entrepreneurship, team building etc. Hands on that is design, implementation and quality assurance aspects and industry specific tools what is Value Engineering, 6 Sigma and other in each student. The innovation of industrial training will be done on the basis of skill acquired by the student during this 6 week period.

Table–1 Assessment scheme for Industrial Training:
#assessed by mentor and concern industry supervisor.
** assessed by mentor/internal and external examiner (industry personnel) bases on report (25 Marks), presentation (25 Marks) and Viva (25 Marks).

Table–2 Distribution of End-Semester-Examination (ESE) marks of Industrial Training


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